Plynulý proces naskladňování a vyskladnění.
The Hutchinson grain pump, also called also a grain loop, is a proven transport technology from the American company Hutchinson.
It consists of a system of connected rolled steel tubes, which form a closed circuit with the help of corner segments. The material is transported here by means of plastic ring carriers mounted on a fixed chain. It is basically a circular redler.
Two or even only one motor is used for the drive. Ingresses and discharges can be chosen arbitrarily as needed. Storage and retrieval takes place on a single conveyor. This system is simple and gentle on the transported material.
It has high performance, is reliable and very interesting in terms of price.
We can recommend this solution for storage in agricultural silos as well as for storage in hall warehouses.
I have a QuestionThe grain pump can be designed for the following uses:
Velikost (palce) | 6” | 8” | 10” | 12” | 16” |
Velikost (mm) | 15,2 | 20,3 | 25,4 | 30,5 | 40,6 |
Maximální výkon (t/hod)* | 55 | 110 | 165 | 270 | 490-545 |
Otáčky pohonu (ot./min) | 124 | 94 | 94 | 83 | 63 |
Rychlost řetězu (m/min.) | 99 | 99 | 99 | 122 | 122 |
Tloušťka stěny, pozink. (mm) | 2,66 | 2,66 | 2,66 | 3,43 | 4,5 |
Tloušťka unašeče (UHMV) | 3/8” | 3/8” | 1/2” | 5/8” | 5/8” |
Průměr hřídele (mm) | 38 | 51 | 76 | 87 | různé |
Počet zubů kola | 12 | 16 | 16 | 22 | 19 |
Dopravní řetěz | 81X | 81XHH | 81XHH | 81XHH | WH124 |
Potřebný výkon el. motoru dopravníku (pro pšenici měrná hmotnost 720kg/m3) na metr svisle | 0,48 | 0,85 | 1,2 | 1,8 | 3,3 |
na metr vodorovně | 0.12 | 0.19 | 0.27 | 0.44 | 0.73 |
Hmotnost trubkového dopravníku (kg/m) Prázdný | 14,9 | 17,9 | 22 | 35,7 | 68,4 |
Plný pro 720kg/m3 | 28,3 | 41,7 | 59,5 | 89,3 | 198 |