
ZOD Podhradí - Choustník (Budislav)


Dryer NECO
Grain Pump

Realization date

2014, 2017


district Tabor
Czech Republic

Project Description

The expansion of the existing operation in ZOD Podhradí-Choustník (Budislav) was carried out in two stages.
In the 1st stage in 2014 we supplied a NECO D1690CE dryer, a 6″ HUTCHINSON grain pump, a PVT1020 grain cleaner from the Czech manufacturer JK-Machinery and conveyor roads.
In the 2nd stage in 2017 we installed MFS all-weather floors in the existing 4 silos.

Continuous dryer NECO D1690CE

  • Medium: propane
  • Output: 25 t/hr – wheat 17-13 %
  • Power input: 25 kW electrical input

HUTCHINSON 6″ grain pump
JK-Machinery PVT1020 grain cleaner
Conveyor system
4 x MFS all-weather floors

  • Vertical sub-grid picking

Project Gallery

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