AGI has already produced 2000 units of its flagship NECO grain dryer

Ag Growth International Inc. (AGI) celebrated a major milestone this spring at its Omaha, Nebraska, manufacturing facility with the delivery of the 2,000th AGI NECO mixed airflow grain dryer.

NECO: The world’s leading manufacturer of grain dryers

NECO grain dryer is considered a leader in sophisticated drying technology. It is designed to quietly and efficiently heat the grains evenly and prevent damage. You can use it to efficiently dry all types of grains, seeds and nuts. Screenless operation and computerized moisture control consistently ensure not only better quality grains, but also higher bulk weights with optimized value for customers.

History and development of NECO: Leading role in drying technology

NECO was founded in 1959 as Nebraska Engineering Company. The first mixed airflow dryer was manufactured here in 1990. NECO’s legacy is one of honest craftsmanship, quality engineering and innovative design. It has gradually expanded to include products and technologies aimed at improving the circulation, conditioning and drying of grain in the unit. Today, the NECO manufacturing facility has a team of 85 employees who combine hands-on experience with state-of-the-art technology. They manufacture grain dryers for farms and commercial operations in North America, Europe and Mexico.

NECO grain dryer: a showcase of technologies and advantages

“I remember when the No. 1 NECO grain dryer came off the line,” said Ken Kohrt, AGI’s senior planner and one of the plant’s longest-tenured employees. “American farmers didn’t trust the mixed-flow dryer at first, but as they gained experience, they came to appreciate its advantages. They saw that it was much more efficient. It consumed less propane. That it had the drying power to keep up with the harvest. That they don’t have to clean clogged screens. That it’s a much gentler drying method that has improved the value and quality of the dried grain.”

Design and efficiency of NECO dryers: uniform drying and sieveless operation

NECO grain dryer is designed for the unique needs of our customers. We understand that farmers need efficient, reliable and versatile solutions to manage the critical grain drying process. Our NECO dryers provide exceptional fuel efficiency that translates into significant cost savings over time. The innovative mixed airflow design not only ensures consistent drying and mixing, but also reduces the risk of grain damage from overheating. The NECO dryer does not rely on screens, eliminating the worry of clogging. This ensures continuous operation at optimum capacity. Versatility for different grain types is another important feature that customers appreciate.

Important features and benefits of NECO dryers for customers

In addition, the ability of our dryers to produce better grain consistency and higher bulk density after drying directly contributes to the quality of the final product. With NECO dryers, you can rely on an excellent and cost-effective grain drying solution that fully meets the demands of modern agriculture.

NECO in the global market: American manufacturer dominates the world

Powerful American NECO dryers have successfully established themselves on the global market and are available in more than 25 countries. Their impressive international expansion is a testament to their exceptional quality, reliability and efficiency. NECO’s success story in a multifaceted and ever-evolving global market environment is the best evidence that they have maintained a high quality of production from their inception to the present day.


Expansion of NECO dryers: from America to the Czech Republic

First grain dryer from the renowned manufacturer NECO was introduced to the Czech Republic in 2014 and has since gained a large market share with dozens of installations across the country. Not surprisingly, NECO grain dryers are known for efficient and even grain drying, minimal risk of grain damage and energy savings. They are highly durable and have a long service life. In addition, they are equipped with modern safety features. They are also very popular with farmers because they can be remotely controlled, which makes them easier to operate.

NECO grain dryer: an investment that pays off

Opting for NECO dryers will pay off in the long run. The manufacturer is constantly improving them to meet current customer requirements while keeping up with the latest technologies in grain drying.

Grain dryer NECO D1690CE
Grain dryer NECO D1690CE in ZD Čechtice



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