Invitation to the Pre-Christmas Seminar 2017
District Agrarian Chamber of Tábor and Agrarian Chamber of Pelhřimov, Agricultural Union of Tábor and Pelhřimov, AGRO-partner s.r.o., FARMIX a.s., MRÁZ Agro CZ s.r.o., CAUSSADE seeds, Česká pojišt’ovna a.s. and SCHAUMANN ČR, s.r.o. 14. December 2017 cordially invite you to Chabrovice for the traditional, already 16th, CHRISTMAS SEMINAR
8.00 – 9.00 Presentation of participants 9.00 – 9.15 Year 2017 in AK. Vision of Czech Agriculture – Ing. Habart, Ing. Vondruška, 9.15 – 9.30 Activity of the ZSČR and the economy of agriculture in 2017 – Ing. Blažek, Mrs. Míková 9.30 – 9.45 Practical knowledge of agronomist in growing roughage – Ing. Václav Páral Jr. 9.45 – 10.00 Cattle breeders’ awards 10.00 – 11.30 Contributions by co-organising companies. FARMIX a.s. – The most economical grain dryer on the market, suitable for the use of the subsidy title “energy saving” CAUSSADE seeds – breeding program of spol. Caussade seeds in the context of this year’s harvest Česká pojišt’ovna a.s. – Smiley cases from the claims settlement ČP SCHAUMANN ČR s.r.o. – Quality of feed in the context of the subsidy title “Quality of milk Q CZ” 11.30 – 12.00 Christmas songs performed by Helena and Jára Pokutová 12.00 – 13.13.00 – 14.00 All about coffee – Cafe ALEGRE 15.00 – 19.00 Tasting of homemade sausages, discussion and entertainment with the contribution of the musical group Duo Jára Pokuta Before the end of the seminar, each participant will receive a promotional gift from the participating companies – an honest venison sausage. For organizational reasons, please confirm your participation in the seminar by 11. 12. 2017 to e-mail: