AGI has already produced 2000 units of its flagship NECO grain dryer

Ag Growth International Inc. (AGI) celebrated a major milestone this spring at its Omaha, Nebraska, manufacturing facility with the delivery of the 2,000th AGI NECO mixed airflow grain dryer.

NECO was founded in 1959 as Nebraska Engineering Company. The first mixed airflow dryer was manufactured here in 1990.

Powerful American NECO dryers have successfully established themselves on the global market and are available in more than 25 countries. Their impressive international expansion is a testament to their exceptional quality, reliability and efficiency. NECO’s success story in a multifaceted and ever-evolving global market environment is the best evidence that they have maintained a high quality of production from their inception to the present day.

First grain dryer from the renowned manufacturer NECO was launched in the Czech Republic in 2014 and has since gained a large market share with dozens of installations across the country. Not surprisingly, NECO grain dryers are known for efficient and even grain drying, minimal risk of grain damage and energy savings. They are highly durable and have a long service life.

You can find out more about this event and the NECO continuous grain dryer in a blog post on our website.

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