Farmix at the 20th Agrarian Ball

This year, after a two-year hiatus caused by the pandemic of the covid-19 disease, the 20th annual Agrarian Ball, traditionally held by the Agrarian Chamber of the Czech Republic, took place at the Žofín Palace. This ball was not only a celebration but also an opportunity to help. And we, the Farmix team, are proud to have been able to participate in this festive event as members of OAK Tábor.

The Jubilee Ball was combined with a charity event, during which the participants raised CZK 92,315 for the Kapka naděje Foundation. This fund provides support to sick children, especially those with hematopoietic disorders, cancer and children in need of bone marrow transplants. Jan Doležal, President of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, expressed his joy at the renewal of this popular tradition and stressed the generosity of farmers. Vendula Pizingerová, founder and president of Kapka naděje, received the donation certificate and expressed her gratitude for the cooperation. For us, the Farmix team, it was an evening of joy and fellowship. We met our colleagues, enjoyed a wonderful atmosphere and were part of something bigger.

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