Postharvest line technology seminar February 27, 2019

15. 3. 2019
Petra Kašpírková

On February 27, 2019, our company, in cooperation with DOTin s.r.o. and

Invitation to the seminar “Post-harvest technologies in USA and EU” 2019

We invite you to the annual seminar organized by our company, this

Report from the seminar in Choustník 2017

15. 3. 2018
Petra Kašpírková

Since 1998 Farmix a.s. has been one of the specialists in post-harvest

Invitation to the Pre-Christmas Seminar 2017

8. 12. 2017
Petra Kašpírková

District Agrarian Chamber of Tábor and Agrarian Chamber of Pelhřimov, Agricultural Union

Seminar FARMIX and DOTin in Tabor

11. 6. 2017
Petra Kašpírková

Our company in cooperation with the subsidy office DOTin s.r.o. held a

Invitation to the seminar in Tábor

20. 4. 2017
Petra Kašpírková

24. 5. 2017 in the WELLNESS & CONGRESS HOTEL PALCÁT in Tábor.

Service personnel training for NECO dryers

10. 5. 2016
Petra Kašpírková

29. 2. – 2. On March 3, 2016, our technicians participated in

Are you interested in an individual offer
or would you like to consult us?

Write to us, we will be happy to answer you.

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