
ZOD Předslavice (Čepřovice)


Dryer NECO
Flat Bottom Silo

Realization date

2013, 2017


Předslavice (Čepřovice)
district Strakonice
Czech Republic

Project Description

The construction of the post-harvest line for ZOD Předslavice (Čepřovice) was carried out in two stages.
During the 1st stage in 2013, two grain silos with a diameter of 10.7 m and a capacity of 1,100 t, a grain dryer with a capacity of 100 t/h of pre-cleaning, 50 t/h of cleaning and a conveyor system were delivered.
In the 2nd stage, carried out in 2017, a NECO D1690CE grain dryer was delivered and the conveyor system was extended.

2x grain silo

  • Diameter: 10.7 m
  • Capacity: 1100 t

Grain cleaning machine JK-Machinery

  • Pre-treatment: 100 t/hr.
  • Cleaning: 50 t/hr.

Grain dryer NECO D1690CE

  • Medium: propane
  • Output: 25 t/hr – wheat 17-13 %
  • Power input: 22 kW electrical input

Traffic path system

Project Gallery

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