Vyztužená a nevyztužená sila CHIEF

Optimální ochrana zrna začíná systémem ocelových bočních stěn.

Characteristics of CHIEF forces


Unique strength and durability

The “W” profile reinforcements are the leader of the strength competition. This bracing system provides vertical load support, making it easy to support footbridges and conveyors running over silos.
With “W” bracing, silo walls can reach heights of over 30 m.


Patented side swipe

Patented side discharge design increases silo strength and speed of retrieval. With the CHIEF side discharge system, the silo can be discharged directly into trucks with a capacity of up to 1020 t/hr. The new CHIEF side discharge system strengthens the silo wall and directs the grain from the ceiling directly to the side discharge.


Durable electroplating

High-quality corrugated steel sidewalls with a strength of 483 MPa and G140 galvanised roof sheets (425 g/m2) give CHIEF silos even greater strength, the possibility of higher vertical loads and higher sidewalls than competing silos.
These surfaces are supplied as standard, so CHIEF silos will serve you for a long time.


Shorter assembly time

CHIEF’s unique 107.7cm high sidewalls require fewer rings, welds and reinforcement than competitors’ lower sidewall silos.
Combined with exclusive “W” reinforcement, CHIEF silos offer unsurpassed strength while reducing installation costs.


Wind and seismic improvements

All CHIEF silos are designed to ASCE 7-10 standards and can be upgraded to withstand environmental loads specific to conditions in extreme areas.


Superior warranty on CHIEF silos

All CHIEF silos are covered by a 5-year warranty. This is one of the longest in the industry. For more information on warranties, please contact FARMIX a. s., the direct representative of the CHIEF silo manufacturer.

Features of CHIEF roofs


50K roofs do not need support towers and catwalks

50K roofs with 1.8 or 3.6 m silo inlets support most conveyors with capacities up to 1,530 t/hr. This eliminates the need to have a spillway across the silo roof and install additional support towers and spillways.


Faster filling forces with 50K roofs

With higher top load capacities, the 50K roof with 3.6m silo infeed allows customers to use higher capacity conveyors for faster silo filling.


Roof construction J-ribbing

The roof panels are made of high quality galvanized steel and are connected by a 6.35 cm J-rib construction, which provides excellent strength and reduces construction time.

Střechy sil CHIEF udrží opravdu hodně sněhu

Tabulka parametrů střech CHIEF

Model sila # Velikost vrcholu (m) Sněhové zatížení (kg/m2) Zatížení vrcholu (kg) Standardní Volitelné
CB12 1 146,47 7257 Standard
1,8 195,30 11340 Volitelné
CB13 1 146,47 7257 Standard
CB14 1 146,47 7257 Standard
1,8 195,30 11340 Volitelné
CB16 1 146,47 7257 Standard
1,8 195,30 11340 Volitelné
CB18 1 146,47 13608 Standard
CB20 1 122,06 4536 Volitelné
1 195,30 13608 Standard
CB22 1 122,06 4536 Volitelné
1 195,30 13608 Standard
CB24 1 195,30 18144 Standard
1 122,06 4536 Volitelné
1 195,30 18144 Standard
CB30 1 195,30 11340 Standard
1 122,06 11340 Volitelné
1 195,30 22680 Volitelné
1 195,30 22680 Volitelné
CB34 3.6 195,30 11340 Standard
1 122,06 11340 Volitelné
1 195,30 22680 Volitelné
3.6 195,30 22680 Volitelné

Related Realizations

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Write to us, we will be happy to answer you.

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