
Farm Malonty s.r.o.



Realization date



district Český Krumlov
Czech Republic

Project Description

Modernization at Farma Malonty s.r.o.: new grain cleaner VibroMax 10222 C1P0A2 and two 30 t/h redlers

In order to improve the efficiency and quality of grain cleaning at Malonty Farm, they decided to replace the existing grain cleaner with a new VibroMax 10222 C1P1A2 model, which offers a cleaning capacity of 50 t/h.

As a trusted partner in the field of agricultural technology, FARMIX was selected to implement this project.

In addition to the installation of a new grain cleaning plant, they also added two 30 t/h redlers to the transport routes.

This successful implementation is further proof that FARMIX is ready to provide comprehensive solutions that meet the individual needs and goals of each customer. Farma Malonty Ltd. is starting a new era of harvesting with modern technology that opens the door to higher productivity and better quality.

Grain cleaner Vibromax JCM 10222 C1P0A2

  • Cleaning capacity: 50 t/h

Traffic routes


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