
ZD Radelo


Dryer NECO

Realization date



Velký Ratmírov
district Jindřichův Hradec
Czech Republic

Sušárna obilí a zrnin NECO

Project Description

The Radelo agricultural cooperative replaced an old grain dryer with a new one. A NECO D1690CE continuous grain dryer was installed, which uses mixed airflow. This model is powered by natural gas and has a capacity of 25 tonnes per hour, drying wheat from 17% to 13% moisture. The dryer’s power input is 25 kW. The installation also included the addition of one 60 tonne per hour elevator to the existing conveyor. This upgrade represents a significant step in the efficiency and capacity of the grain drying operation.

Continuous grain dryer NECO D1690CE

  • Heating medium: natural gas
  • Output: 25 t/h (wheat 17-13%)
  • Power input: 25 kW
  • Traffic path system

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