
ZD Telč


Dryer NECO

Realization date



ZD Telč
district Jihlava
Czech Republic

Project Description

In the spring of 2021, we delivered a new NECO D1690CE grain dryer and a VibroMax JCM 10222 grain cleaner to ZD Telč. The agricultural cooperative took advantage of OPIIK subsidies for energy saving and replaced the old grain dryer and grain cleaner with new ones. By replacing the conveyor belts, their output was increased.

Continuous grain dryer NECO D1690CE

  • Heating medium: natural gas
  • Output: 25 t/h (wheat 17-13%)
  • Power input: 25 kW

Grain cleaner Vibromax JCM 10222 C1P0A2

  • Cleaning capacity: 50 t/h

Traffic path system


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